Seekers of the Un-K’nown by Louis Hoefer is the first module in Dandyline Games’ Classics Mutated line for Mutant Crawl Classics. (Full disclosure: Hoefer is a friend and part of my regular gaming group.) The adventure takes inspiration and tropes from the classic D&D module In Search of the Unknown and reimagines them in the post-apocalyptic world of Terra AD: the hidden fortress of Quasquenton is now the ancient war bunker Quartum-Q, home of the long-dead heroes Rogo Khan & Zee L’Gar. The PCs have been sent by their tribe to discover why people have gone missing.
The module opens with a large hexcrawl across an ancient battlefield littered with unexploded ordinance, giant mutant weasels, and digital “ghosts” of artifacts of the ancient humans. The base itself is a sprawling two-level edifice filled with squatting beastmen, malfunctioning robots, and tantalizing clues about the secret history of the base’s former inhabitants. That means there’s a lot packed into the module’s 54 pages. Judges should do a thorough read-through of the adventure before running it, although Hoefer has included some helpful hints for running the adventure.
Seekers can easily encompass 3-6 game sessions when the hexcrawl is included. When I ran the module at Gen Con in 2022, I skipped over the wilderness portion and dropped the PCs at the door of the fortress. I also moved around a few rooms on the map on the fly to ensure the players discovered the most salient secrets before our four-hour session was over. That said, the adventure was a big hit with the players (even though two PCs went down in the final fight). I’d also recommend removing the holo-entertainment room if time is a factor, as PCs can easily get sucked into a redundant mini-adventure there.
The artwork by Santiago Iborra and Christopher Tupa does a good job of conveying the sights and scale of the adventure, but the maps can sometimes feel a little cramped due to all the detail in them.
While it may take a little extra prep on the part of the Judge, Seekers of the Un-K’nown is a fun addition to any post-apocalyptic campaign, offering plenty of challenges and puzzles for your party of seekers.